So apparently, Grace took some steps. It happened at day care, so unfortunately, Mom and I were not there to see it. But Grace is on her way. :-) She also cut another tooth. This one is on the top. The teeth are exciting, but it is giving our little girl a tough time. It is pretty painful and is making for some tough sleeping. Mom and I are trying to take care of her though. We're using Oragel and trying to give her stuff to take her mind off the pain. Other than that Grace is doing great, and Mom and I are so proud of her!!!
Recently, I went to a wedding of some high school friends (my good friends AJ and Melissa). Mom and Grace were able to make it to the reception, and I was able to show both of them off to all my friends. Everybody loved both of them and we had a great time. They were all especailly taken with Grace. It took her a minute to get comfortable in the new setting, but once she did she warmed everybodies heart. We actually got a really good picture of her and myself high fiving each other. :-) If anyone knows me, they know I love the high five and I have taught Grace to give me a high five. She is a clever one. :-) Anyway, I'll be posting the pic for everybodies enjoyment. As always, thank you everyone for reading, and Grace, we love you!!!! :-)