Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Sweetest Child Ever

Hello all, all I have for this post is funny and sweet story. At least I thought it was funny and Mom got a kick out of it when I shared it with her, and we both thought it was awfully sweet. Anyway, here it is:

Last night I was giving Grace a bath. She really enjoys bath time. Well I got done cleaning her and she was playing in the tub with this cup I use to rinse her hair after washing it. I decided I would have some fun with her and let her poor a cup of water over Daddy's head. :-) Mommy and I have done this before and Grace really got a kick out of it. So she poors a couple of cups of water over my head and then she smacks me in the noggin with the cup. Okay, that is not the funny part. :-) I stood up and said "no" and "not to do that." I wasn't acting mean or mad either. I guess I actually looked a little sad or hurt that Grace would do that. At least I think that is how Grace felt. So she proceeded to fill up the cup and poor it over her head to make me feel better. SO SWEET!!!! Then she looked up at me and smiled as to say, "don't worry Dad, I did it too and I'm okay." One thing that is real sweet about this is the fact Grace hates having water dumped over her head. And to make me feel better she did it to herself. I could almost cry right now as I tell this story. :-) It made my night. Grace, you are the light of my life. Mommy and I love you more than anything. You keep being that sweet and you are going to turn out just fine. We love you baby. Everyone else, I hope you enjoyed the story. I'll be updating again soon. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Grace is a sensitive and sweet little girl. She is beginning to understand feelings, which is very important. Way to go Gracie for being a good sport and trying to make Daddy feel better! I love you darling Grace! Me`Me`


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