Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Hello all,

Grace is doing great!!! This morning was exciting!!! Mommy and I give Graces lots of hugs and lots of kisses, and we always ask for a kiss back. Well we haven't had much luck with the return kiss until this morning!!! It was really sweet and really cute. Mom was holding her, gave her a kiss, and asked for one back. Grace leaned in and put her lips to Mom's. Well I was jealous :-), so I came over and asked for a kiss and she leaned to me and put her lips to mine. I didn't here a muuaahhh noise, but you could tell what she was doing. It was really special and it made Mommy's and my morning. :-)

Other than that, everything is well. Grace continues to grow and learn. She is always pointing at things wanting to know what they are, and she loves looking at books. It wouldn't surprise me if she turned out to be a big reader. I don't read much, but Mom and her side (you Aunt Katy :-)) are big readers.

It is the day before Thanksgiving, and Grace, Mommy and I are looking forward to going to Me'me's and Pe'pe'. I'm sure we will have a great time. I'll post something after the holiday and let you all know how it went. :-) Grace, you are so special and Mommy and I love you so much. Oceans full baby. :-)

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