Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Second Christmas :-)

Well, Grace celebrated her second Christmas. I think she had a good time. I don't know if she really understands Christmas yet, but I do think she realizes something special is going on. Or at least something different than the usual. :-) Anyway, I took the day of Christmas eve off and that night we went to Ta'Ta' Brenda's and Popo Halsey's. :-) We saw a lot good friends and family, and Grace seemed to have a great time and was very well-behaved.

My cousin Cameron was there with his family. Cameron and his wife Tammy have a little one too. There little one, Jackson, is 7 months, so Grace had a buddy while we were there. They were real cute together. I hope as Grace and Jackson grow they become as good of friends as Cameron and I are.

While at the party everybody commented on how cute Grace is. Mommy and I love hearing that and thank everybody for there kind words. We were at the Christmas Eve party passed Grace's bed time, so needless to say she slept well that night. :-) We woke up that morning and let Grace open her gifts. To tell the truth she really wasn't interested in opening the gifts. Not to say she didn't enjoy her gifts once she started playing with them, she just had a tough time getting through the wrapping paper and would get her frustrated. Mommy and I helped though. :-)

After opening gifts Christmas morning we headed down to Me'me' and Pe'pe's. We also picked up Grandma Pat, Grace's Great-grandmother, before we showed up. We were so happy that Grandma Pat was able to spend the day with us. It was a really nice day. We had a lot of good conversation and ate some wonderful food.

Anyway, we stayed the rest of the weekend with Me'me' and Pe'pe'. They had a great time seeing Grace. They played with her and she talked to them. Well, she talked her talk. :-) Oh yeah, she was saying thank you all weekend. Me'me' emptied out a cabinet for her to play in, and as she took the pots out of the cabinet Grace helped. Me'me' would hand her a pot and say thank you and Grace would grad the pot and say thank you. It was real cute, and you know Mommy and I loved it. Our baby is a polite young lady. :-)

It was a wonderful weekend and second Christmas. Grace, we love you very much and are so proud of you. You are growing and learning so much, we are loving every minute of it. Thank you Grace, and thank you reader's. :-)

PS Mommy and I would like to thank Me'me' and Pe'pe' for taking care of Grace Saturday night, so Mommy and I could go to the movies.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Follow the leader :-)

Merry Christmas to all our readers!!! We hope you all have a wonderful and safe time.

Last time I told you about Grace using the potty. That was exciting!!! Well now not only will she go to the potty, but if Mom and I ask her if she needs to use the potty she'll start walking towards the bathroom. She also starts walking to the bedroom when we ask her if she is ready to go night night. :-) It is really sweet to watch Grace do this. :-) Whether potty time or night night, Grace won't say anything; she'll just get up and make her way to either the potty or the bed. Mom and I are so proud with all she is learning!!! She is really growing up. Grace turned 14 months old yesterday. She is growing so fast. I know I've said it before, but it is really amazing to watch. The time is only going to go by faster as she grows, and it makes me real happy to be able to share these special moments with all of you.

On another note, Grace is still teething a lot. I hate it cause she seems to be in pain a lot of times, and there is only so much Mom and I can do. Grace will get there soon enough though. Before we know it she will be losing those baby teeth and growing her permanent teeth. Then the Tooth Fairy gets to start visiting and stealing my money. :-) Just kidding.

We love our Grace so much. She is our life. Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Potty Time!!!!

Hello all. Grace is doing great. She is learning and growing so much. Mommy and I are so proud. We all had a real good weekend. On Saturday we did some Christams shopping for Grace. We got her a booster seat to eat in, a foam chair with a pink princess covering, and we got her a potty. :-) Grace is only 13 months, but I figured it is never to early to start learning to use the potty.
So we got home after our shopping and I put Grace on her potty. And guess what!!!! She did a tinkle!!!! :-) Mommy and I were so happy!!! Mommy was so happy that she took a picture of Grace's tinkle and sent it to Ma'tee. :-) I don't think Grace completely understood what she had done but we praised and applauded her, and I think that let her know what she had done was a good thing. I guess it might not be that big of deal, but it was a step on the way to using the potty all the time and I am very pleased about it. :-) Oh, and I put her on the pot a few more times and she tinkled again. Last night I put her on the pot and she went number 2 for me. :-) So we are taking baby steps. :-) It will take some time and practice, but we will get there.
Grace really likes her little chair too. She sits in it and puts her hands up and pats them up and down. :-) It is real cute.
I think everything we got her makes her feel like a big girl. We put her right up to the table in her booster seat and she eats with us, she sits down in her chair and watches TV with Mommy and I, and she sits on her potty and goes to the bathroom, well at least sometimes. :-)
Anyway, Grace is doing great. Mommy and I couldn't be happier. We both thank you all for reading and keeping up with Grace. Grace, we love you very much, oceans full, and are very proud of you. Everybody else, take care and keep reading. :-) Daddy